Our award-winning authors span the globe and nearly every known genre. Despite their differences of life or writing style, they have one salient thing in common – inspiration. We have selected each author based on three factors:
I. Story Quality II. Art of Language III. Ability to Inspire
The Business of Art
The art of storytelling is perhaps the oldest art in the known universe. It is here that you learn how to tune your skills and master the profession of writing.
Start your journey from writer to rockstar.
Enter the new world of writing and take your place amongst the heroes of the modern publishing industry
Each year we open our doors to new and experienced authors from all around the world, featuring every walk of life and spanning the multitude of genres. From sci-fi to fantasy, romance to thriller, we are faced with the daunting task of selecting the our yearly winners out of a collection of incredible and inspiring stories.
Brickington Award winners are granted the Brickington Publishing Scholarship.